Soh Teng Hua and Shenaz Chong

Our Lives: Rewind (Good Memories)

Soh Teng Hua:






Shenaz Chong:

我是在武吉班让的实加 (Segar)长大的。我小时总会到楼下的游乐场和邻居们玩闹。爸爸会带我和弟弟到我家后面的公园玩轮滑。十年前,实加没什么设施。渐渐地,实加充满了便民措施,比如幼儿园,诊所和熟食中心。我的童年充满了美好的回忆。

Zhenghua Secondary School, my alma mater, located a mere 10 minutes walk from my home. Being in the Normal Academic steam, we are often looked down upon and compared against students from other streams. However, having a tight-knit bonded class helped me to dissolve these thoughts as we would encourage each other during examinations. I gave it my all for my ‘N’ levels and managed to be in the top 25% of my cohort which granted me direct entry into a polytechnic. My teachers at Zhenghua gave me the tenacity and support which allowed me to excel at my ‘N’ levels. 

During the school holidays after my ‘N’ levels, I volunteered at the weekly Meet-The-People's Sessions (MPS) under the Zhenghua PAP Branch. I enjoy giving back to the community and helping those in need. I have met residents who have personally came down to thank us after successfully assisting them with their appeals. It is my utmost joy that through the fruits of my labor I am able to spread warmth and ebullience to the residents of my community. I also conducted house visits with the youth wing, where we would visit households to update residents of upcoming developments in the community and to gain feedback. 

After graduating from Zhenghua Secondary School, I enrolled into Republic Polytechnic to pursue a Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science. Science has always been my interest since I was a child and I am ecstatic to be able to study a course I am passionate in. I like to set goals and organize my study schedule. My goal was to be in the top 10% of my cohort academically to be inducted into the Director’s Roll of honor. In year 1, I struggled with my studies as I was unable to cope with the new learning style. In year 2, after many consultations with my lecturers, I managed to improve and achieve my goal as I was inducted into the Director’s Roll of Honour. 

In hopes to help us grow as children, my mother signed us up for various sports, including taekwondo lessons at the community center. Through various trials and tribulations, I was able to develop a close bond with my peers, and eventually become the best of friends. We are still close friends till this day, though being in different stages of our lives. It took me some time to open up to them nor did they force me to. They were always by my side through thick and thin. With them, I am able to truly express myself.


Neo Say Keong and Arunraj Chidambaram


Saraswathi D/O T. Nagalingam and Ziya Dasore