Siow Soon Sze and Alden Siow Yu-Hong

Siow Soon Sze:
小K就在这种大形势下和小他两岁的弟弟去了有同乡情谊的老校长所合办的一间锌板 — 木板造成的不算太旧的小学,名叫“统一学校”去上学。可是哥弟俩都不是读书的料,前前后后不到两年就不读了。
市场这类沿街靠叩叩声招生意的档口据说有三大家,即潮州粿条面汤的Ah矮叔,福建虾面汤的 Ah 空(老板外号),还有就是广东哥乐云吞面的Ah婆。都是老招牌,都是很出名,很好吃的沿街打叩叩面的叫卖档。小K三家都服务过,各家老板对员工都宽宏大量,叩叩手可随意过档,只要没有钱财手尾。
有一次,新老板 — 福建虾面汤的 Ah 空,因事休息两天没出街叫卖。小K没事干,到同区内的好友(国顺)的家去走走,想看他家里的红毛丹树,也看看他们可爱的小狗。
妈妈没有多大意见,还再三提醒:“国顺一家跟我们是老相识,去帮他们做事要认真,要有礼貌,有规矩。只是每天凌晨三点出门,你可以吗?我知道你是个爱睡觉的小孩。” 妈妈的这个顾虑是真实的,小K开始时也对国顺说了。
Alden Siow Yu-Hong:
“Can I not do this Chinese composition? It is so hard!” The skinny boy was struggling with his Chinese homework again. He never liked to do homework, be it Chinese or other subjects. Having him to sit down on his seat quietly was almost mission impossible for him. However, there was an exception. This skinny boy would never complain the moment he sat before his computer to play his favourite computer game. The name of this skinny boy was Lil’ A, like any other 10-year-old boy, study was never a joy. By the end of his Primary 4, due to COVID-19 and all the constant HBL, he did not learn very well. His results were not good and his parents were not happy. Although he managed to progress to Primary 5, he barely scraped through.
“Lil’ A, have you done your work? You have been on that phone for hours!”
“Uh-huh, I have done….”
“Hello, can you hear me?”
“Okay, okay, okay!”
This was a daily affair. Ever since Lil’ A’s classmates introduced him to a mobile game where he could immerse entirely into the fantasy world of hunting fantasy creatures like “Slimes” and “Ruin Guards” for the entire day, returning to the real world to study was not that appealing anymore.
On one day, in the world of his game, Lil’ A is a high ranking warrior wielding the “Harbinger of Dawn”, who could kill the most ferocious boss monster within seconds. On the other hand, in the real world, Lil’ A was a schoolboy who would hide stacks of undone homework at places that even his parents would never find, and hopefully forget about them.
“Why are you still on that phone? You’d better get going or else I will get Papa to talk to you. I will….”
“Here we go again…” muttered Lil’ A.
Indeed, days passed by quickly with such similar conversations happening every day. By the time Lil’ A turned 12 years old, he had already played countless games. If he were to be paid for every game he completed, he would be a few thousand dollars richer. He loved playing 3-D war games, especially those in which he could fly-fight and engage in dog fights.
While he was a skillful pilot in the games, topping every ranking board, his study was a great mess bottoming in all the scores of his examinations within his school. As PSLE inched closer, Lil’ A finally realised he needed to do something. It would be embarrassing if he could not make it and be asked to do his Primary 6 for another year. He reckoned that he really needed to buck up. At the very least, he would need to pass his PSLE and graduate. One day, while Lil’ A was trying to study, he lost focus and started to daydream. His mother caught him and the nagging started.
“Your next paper is just around the corner. Could you at least do what you need to do?”
“But I am so tired. Why don’t you try studying for one hour and have a taste of this ordeal yourself?”
And so, the negotiation started until Lil’ A’s grandfather came home. By then, Lil’ A’s mother, who probably had given up on nagging him, left home to run some errands. His grandfather came into his room. “I heard you had a hard time?”
“All this is so, so tiring. Why do I need to do this?”
“Come, take a break. Let’s chat a bit, maybe tell you a story about a boy called Little K. It all started the time the Japanese warplanes flew in the sky of Singapore back in the 1940s….”
Time passed quickly as Lil’ A listened to his grandfather’s story, fascinated. When the chat ended, Lil’ A seemed less grumpy than before and had not talked much. His parents became worried as he seemed like a different person.
“I hope you have not pushed him too hard. Kids nowadays are like strawberries, no, bananas!” Lil’ A’s father complained.
“Bananas? Nonsense! I merely asked him to be serious in his work!” His mother snapped back.
Lil’ A was very nervous. He felt that he was not going to make it for his PSLE as he wanted, as he waited for the result slip. Then, it was his turn.
“Good job, Lil’ A, and congratulations!” His teacher wished him. What a relief! However, Lil’ A was not too happy as he knew he could have done better.
Lil’ A put on his secondary school uniform. It was a new start. He had decided that he would only play games on the weekend. He understood that making a change was not difficult, one would just need to stay determined. Lil’ A signed up for the flying club in his secondary school as ‘flying’ was always something he liked. He finally realised that studying wasn’t so bad after all. It was August 9th and Lil’ A was standing in the middle of the Padang. He was selected to take part in the NDP performance. “Roarrr…” the F-15 SG Fighter Jets zipped past the evening sky.
“I shall be the pilot of one of those… defending Singapore” thought Lil’ A…
The End.