Sioh Kim and Snowy

Sioh Kim:
The #1 lesson I have learned in my lifetime is that nothing beats hard work. You need to work hard if you want to succeed. You don’t just work hard when things are going well but you have to work even harder when things are not.
Lesson #2: Nothing is as important as your health
Never sacrifice your health for anything, not even success. Take care of your health now or you’ll regret it later on. Remember: Health is Wealth.
Lesson #3: No legacy is as rich as Honesty
Being honest, people will always Trust and Respect you. Being honest is a wonderful legacy to live for. After all, honesty is the best policy.
One of my favourite songs is “If Tomorrow Never Comes” by Ronan Keating. Don’t take family and friends for granted for you never know how long you can be with them. Life is beautiful and full of surprises but short. Cherish every minute while you can. Appreciate what you have while you still have it.
Lesson #5: Making mistakes is part of growing up
It takes a lot of courage to admit it. So don’t keep harping on it. Admit it, learn from it, move on. How about this: It’s not a mistake to make mistakes. But it’s a mistake to repeat the same mistake.
Dear Diary,
Today marks the start of my O’Levels. Fortunately, the first paper went well and smoothly. PHEW! Before I left the house for school, dad smiled and said “Love you, good luck with your exams!” I told him to stop saying such mushy words and shielded away from his words of affection.
“You are only able to hear this while I’m still alive.” he replied and signalled for me to go to school. As the years passed, I grew, and so did my fear of others’ judgements of me. I ceased all my affections towards my loved ones as I felt that it was ‘uncool’ to do so, up till today…
Signing off,
Dear Diary,
The results for my first uni exams are out and GUESS WHAT, I managed to score a decent grade! OMG the wait for the results was so painful and stressful. But looking at the results, all’s good now. The past 3 months of intense hard work have not gone to waste, fortunately.
Alber Einstein once said, “Genius is 1% talent, and 99% hard word…”. The path ahead will not always be easy and smooth sailing. Work hard, if not harder, and you will be where you want to be, slowly but surely.
Signing off,
Dear Diary,
Since uni started, I was having a hard time coping with the new environment. Now, not only do I have to worry about my studies but I also need to find a job for after my graduation. Today, I just finished my job interview, sighs… I hate interviews. It is just all the interview panels throwing questions and staring at you, expecting an answer that is pleasing to their ears. Whenever I’m stuck at any question, mum’s words will always flash across my mind.
“Be honest with yourself. Just answer the questions truthfully. If not, you will have to use one lie after another to cover up for your previous lies.” Luckily the interview went smoothly. Hope the company recruits me.
Signing off,
Dear Diary,
It has been half a year since I started working and I am slowly getting accustomed to the workload. I have to admit, the workload is INSANE! Judging by the amount of work left, I guess it’s another sleepless night again sighs…
But mum told me today, “The workload is never-ending; health is more important. Success is not worth trading your health for,” Hmm… I should still aim to finish at least ¾ of the work today. Let’s go!
Signing off,
Dear Diary,
Nothing much happened today. Just another ordinary day…
Waking up in the morning and getting nagged by mum for forgetting to turn off the lights (almost every day) when leaving the house
Going to work in a sleepy state.
Returning home from work in a fatigued state
Spending some time with family members after dinner
Having a well-deserved sleep before the cycle repeats again the next day
Although simple, this kind of life is also fulfilling and meaningful. Looking forward to tomorrow as I walk into the unknown future.
Signing off,