Molly Yap and Emily Yap

The Story of Kindness

Molly Yap:

When I was younger, I was very shy and quiet. This made me an easy prey for others to bully me.

For a long time, I feel very scared and sad because of it. However, one day, someone stood up for me and befriended me.

I felt very thankful and grateful, to which, I then promised myself to always stand up and help others in need.

This lesson taught me to always be kind and to help others; because, if someone needs help, and you can provide that help, you should help.

Every small act of kindness will make a difference in the world!

Emily Yap:

My grandmother taught me to be kind and help others.

This has inspired me to be a nurse.

So every day, I can help and care for others in need.


Catherine Chua S H and Jonathan Kuek Han Loong


Lee Su Min and Kaarneka Murugan