Mark Yuen and Megan Yuen

Mark Yuen:
One important concept that you will not learn from school is: How to get out of the rat race of life. Starting from getting a good education, to getting good jobs, keeping with the Singapore social norms, or keeping up with the Jones (in Singapore is keeping up with the Tans). You need to understand and have a good knowledge of finance. Which I will explain in the next few pages. I will not discuss on other areas, like lifestyle, jobs, keeping up with the Tans, or education. Once you get your financial matters under control, the rest will come easy for you to master.
Since young, we have set up a joint account with you, using your ang pow money, awards, or bursary money that you received. I have learnt it is better to make money work for you than to work for money as time goes by. We must find a system to invest and make money grow. Make use of money and not the other way around. In time, you will know having a system that will provide a continuous cash flow in your life, will help you live the life you want, and not have to work yourself tirelessly to your old age and still stress over money.
The world expects you to earn your living. Through one of the multi choices you decide, you will learn that it will lead you to a different lifestyle. For the first 20 years, most of your time is spent on schooling and education. It is important that you discover your strength and your passion, and find the right path. Since you like music and art, you should learn and develop your talent in this area. Write your own songs and music, market your name and create a following, create a brand or a lifestyle that your followers can and want to buy your products and services.
You would need a plan, to monitor your income and your expenses. Set a budget, and stick to it. The more you are able to save, the more you are able to invest and make your money work for you. If you do not have a plan, you will fail. Once you have a workable plan, stick with the plan and review and adjust from time to time. Having a trusted financial consultant is important.
Picture the lifestyle you want and work your plans towards what you want. A lifetime of passive income and the systems that continuously bring you positive cash flow. Remember to stay healthy and give back to society. I wish you joy, hope, and happiness.
Forever Loving Papa,
Love & Kisses
Megan Yuen:
These are some things that I thought of as a kid, I am a huge Disney fan as well as a nickelodeon. I‘ve watched so many series and I can’t pick a favourite but I love Hannah Montana and Wizards of Waverly Place. They were both so inspiring and taught a lot of life lessons that I have come to learn. I feel that as kids we did not have much worries and it’s true. I think that everything for me then was simple and easy. It was a lot less stressful, I remember singing in my bathroom to songs that did not make sense. I even wrote my own song and when I read it years later, I realised how bad it was. I remember my favourite show as a kid would be “My Little Pony”. I loved Ranty. She was never shy and loved bedazzling everything which is what I loved to do to my dolls. P.s. I still believe unicorns are real!
Slowly growing up, I realised many things that I struggled with. Entering primary school, I was so excited but so scared. I feel like everyone may try to be someone they’re not at some point in their life because of the fear we have of how we are perceived. I think as kids, social standing in school became more important than it should be. Which is part and parcel of well… being a kid! We’re always taught to study hard so we would be getting better job opportunities and have more money to afford things. Yes to a certain extent I agree with that but we also have to realise, our children are memories that will stay with us forever. We only live it once so just do what you love and make the most out of it. Do not just lock yourself up and leave your hope in a book.
With that being said, enjoy life but be safe, learn life skills which will take you much further in life. Be independent and learn how to do things on your own. Ask for help and guidance and learn from there. Having a good relationship with an adult figure is always a good start. It can be anyone that you feel comfortable with. Everyone grows at their own pace. Do not feel like you have to rush into something and just take it slow. Always be progressing and open to new adventures. No matter what anyone tells you, remember that your feelings are validated. Do not make anyone force you to think otherwise. Take care of your mental health and make friends that will always be there when you need, who you feel will always stick around. Grow your wings and grow your heart. During these stages of life, don’t allow people to make your big heart and care seem like a bad thing. Always being happy is tough nowadays, but don’t let anyone dull your sparkle.
After all that, secondary school for me was not the best experience, there were good memories and many many life lessons. I was bullied a lot in secondary school because I made some bad friends, they played with my feelings about being “accepted” into their clique and I thought it was important to be part of their group. If you are ever bullied please tell someone because you should not be scared to voice out their wrongs. Study hard for your examinations and just always do your best. Never give up whenever things get tough, always take a breather but don’t give up. Honestly, as teenagers I feel that all of us are in the same boat. We struggle with a lot of the same things but we do not talk about it. I feel that being independent and dealing with our own feelings is one thing but we can’t always carry all that weight by ourselves. Just be aware of the people and listen to your parents despite how annoying it may feel but obviously… Sometimes if they are strict about small things like curfew... Live a little, you’re teenagers. But be safe 100% and only do it if you know you will be 100% responsible.
Last but not least, where I am right now. I’m so happy being in LaSalle. I’m only in contact with 2-3 friends from my secondary school. Life right now could not be better other than covid. But I’ve started to learn so much about myself and how to be better for me. There are a few ups and downs of being notorious but as long as we still know how to be safe and know that we will grow up to be responsible, I think having fun is okay! I have a few friends whose parents are super strict but they know it’s for their own good (breaking the rules sometimes is okay as long as you are not breaking any laws/bones!!). Well, life is a journey and your story, so it’s your turn to write what you want and how you want things to happen for you. We’re all young, growing, learning. So, learning new experiences allows that space for us to grow as well as gives us stories to share. Hope you find your story.
Love, Meggy.