Lim Yock Eng and Melvin Ang
Importance of Education
Lim Yock Eng:
我出生于马来西亚柔佛州。小时候爸爸为我报读小 — 入学时,带了一张以为是我的出生纸去报名,之后才知道那是一张农场养狗的准证。因为爸爸不识字,日战时期错把报生纸给烧掉了,经过很多手续才入学,完成小学课程。这件事启发了我读书识字的重要。
Melvin Ang:
Learning As A Toddler
When I was born, we are the millennial babies (1990s). The education system is well established compared to Mdm Lim’s time, though as a young kid I never take learning seriously, mostly fun and games. I went to kindergarten near my home, not PCF but a church kindergarten. We get to play and pass time as a kid very much.
Learning In School
Bringing the playfulness to school, primary and secondary school was still fun and games. Never thought about the importance of education. Just following the well-designed education path and completed the secondary school life. Time flies when school is just a playground. Naturally, my results weren’t the best.
Turning Point
Poly and University was a changing point. I started to see the importance of having good grades and did better in school. It struck me that without a good bench mark, no one will take you seriously. All your education years, your focus is about education, failing in school is also a good gauge to judge the real life work attitude. From then on, I have been doing courses even when I am working.
Singapore’s Education
We have been blessed that Singapore takes education seriously. Definitely, it’s not the only way to determine how successful a person becomes but it gives you sufficient ammunition to survive locally and overseas. There is much to improve but it won’t be easy because there was already a balanced system in place. The education system must evolve to keep up with time.
Future In Education
Seeing Mdm Lim’s experiences, it is really important to have a good habit of adopting ‘Life long Learning’. Time waits for no man, having the current knowledge and skills is the only way of survival.