Jack Sng and Justin Lim

Jack Sng:
In the year of 1960, I was six years old. Me and my 9 family members (brothers & sisters, dad & mum) stayed in a very poor region in a small attap dwelling. An attap dwelling was traditional housing found in the village (i.e. kampong).
In the house, there was no TV, no water tap connected, and used private rented electricity (can be used from 8pm to 11pm). Many people were living in unhygienic slums and crowded squatter settlements. Our standard of living and life was less comfortable than today.
1963, I was sent to the traditional Chinese primary school at 8 years old. School was about 3km from home. There were no buses or any transportation that could bring you to school, you could only walk or ride bikes to school. If I walked to school, I needed about one hour. So, I started learning to ‘ride a bike’ at the age of 8. My dad bought me my first bicycle in 1963. I started riding to school in early 1964.
In primary school, I was required to learn the Malay language because Singapore was still part of Malaysia. Every morning we had to sing the national anthem of Malaysia “Negaraku…”
The most memorable and unforgettable time of my life was going through the 2.5 years of National Service (1973-1976). In July 1973, after reporting to CMPB, I was sent to the training camp ‘SAFTI’. Just so happened that my hairstyle was ‘crew cut’ for the first time. Thereafter, I was issued a rifle, which I called my “first wife”/ I had to take good care of the it during my training camp period.
I started learning how to be independent, disciplined, obey the officer (Sir), harmonious so as to get along with others, and solve my own problems. I had learnt to be thoughtful, intelligent, and mature.
(My Career Path) After my graduation from University, I had no regrets but was very proud to join the government as a civil servant. This was my first job and also my final job for 31 years. Due to my passion, hard work, and intelligence during my service, I had been promoted to Senior Officer III and was given a Long Service Award from the Chief of Navy and SR Nathan, President of the Republic of Singapore. I retired and was given a pension and lifetime medical care (medical welfare with my wife). In my time in the civil service, I was always contributing and nurturing… always finding ways to make Singapore a better place.
(My Retired Path) Retreat without Rest. Although I had retired from my job, I still keep myself proactive in social volunteering. I attended training to become a religious counsellor. I joined as a religious counsellor at Changi Prison and provide weekly tutoring to the inmates. I am now a volunteer of the Singapore Buddhist Association (SBF) and have been in service for 10 years since 2011.
I also joined the Singapore Shi Ba Shi Association, had trained to become a Demonstrator and upgraded to become a Qigong Trainer. I actively formed a morning Qigong Interest Group at Kim Pong Park to conduct Qigong Exercises every morning from Monday to Saturday. I registered a palace for all ages to keep fit and learn Qigong in 2018.
Justin Lim:
I am 21 this year. I have been studying for almost 16 years and I recently graduated. I am passionate about doing religious activities such as hosting events for the temple. I am interested in the history of different gods and spreading this history to the younger generation.
In Primary 4, I transferred from De La Salle School to Cantonment Primary School because I changed my residential area.
The most memorable and unforgettable moment was when I was involved in NCC (National Cadet Corps) as a CCA (Co-Curricular Activity) and I learnt the importance of self-discipline through the CCA. Although it is physically tiring, I persevered.
After graduating from Higher-Nitec, I was required to serve the nation for 2 years and now I am 2 weeks into National Service and I feel proud to be a Singaporean Citizen.
During my free time during my schooling days, I would usually go to the Community Centres to play mahjong with the elderly and there was no money involved. I enjoy playing with the elderly because I get to learn things from them.