Hj Abdul Rashid Bin Hussein and Xie Shangyi

Hj Abdul Rashid Bin Hussein: 

My early days: As a student, I was in the scout movement where I learnt endurance and survival skills. During the indonesian-Malayan confrontation from 1963-1966, I joined The Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (MRNVR) based in Telok Ayer Basin. There, I was in active action in the defence of Singapore and our people.

It was in 1975 that my desire to help others, particularly my fellow workers, grew stronger. I formed a branch union in my company under SISEU, an affiliate of NTUC headed by Mr Lim Chee Onn. Soon I was elected its General Secretary and then to the Executive Committee, the decision-making body of NTUC. I felt a sense of satisfaction for being able to serve the working class through the principle of ‘win-win’ negotiation with employers for better pay and welfare benefits.

For the period from 1981 to 2003, I was in the Residents’ Committee. Two years later, I joined the PAP and was helping the late Mr Ong Teng Cheong, the then MP for Kim Keat Constituency. When he was assigned to helm the NTUC in 1983, I found myself serving both my residents and my fellow union members. The symbiotic relationship between PAP and NTUC and the tripartite partnership between the government, employer and union have been the contributing factors to the industrial peace and political stability that has brought about the progress of Singapore. 

For more than 40 years now, I have been involved in almost all functions of the constituency. Organising of activities, house visits and walkabouts build close rapport and friendship between MPs, volunteers and residents. Feedback and suggestions received include improvement of the estate. The weekly meet-the-people session is where residents meet their MP for help such as financial, housing, citizenship, schooling and others. Forums and dialogues are where residents receive explanations on government policies and schemes. The highlight of every 5 years is the General Election where “all hands on deck” when volunteers take their leave from work to chip in.

The sacrifices - late night and burnt weekends are no regrets but meaningful and satisfying. My volunteerism would not have been possible without the full support of my family, in particular my late beloved wife. Singapore’s transformation from a fishing village to today’s cosmopolitan city state did not happen by chance, but careful planning and determination of our 1st generation PAP leadership led by none other than our late Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Let’s play our part and carry on the legacy! 

Xie Shangyi: 

The Singapore story began to take a turn, as the economy shifted to more knowledge-based activities, moving up the value-chain in response to the challenges of globalisation, technological change and other factors. Low-skilled workers are being replaced by automation. There is a call for higher order skills. 

The workers of today are facing new threats and challenges. It is no longer about getting comfortable and good at a job even with good education and qualification. It is about staying relevant and constantly upgrading. It is a fight of not being outdated and replaced by technology. Change is the only constant.

Holding on to only 1 employment for a long period of time is becoming rare. The attention span of the millennials are getting shorter and loyalty to jobs is no longer glorified. Terms like ‘gig economy’ are becoming a trend.

How do we navigate through these changes and still help people find satisfaction and sustainability in the things they choose to make a living out of? How would the future economy look like and how can NTUC protect and serve?

The future is uncertain…it can be fearful but exciting at the same time because everything is possible for us to create. Over to you…the people of the future!


Rajisvary D/O Vairappan and Siow Lee Xian


Christopher Joseph Bek Woon Chye and Chai Jing Xuan