Daisy Koh and Amanda Lim

Changing With Times: Gen2Gen Continuation

Daisy Koh:

When I first started to volunteer in 1995, I helped to type using the typewriter. The letter writer at the Meet-The-People’s Session (MPS) can only write in their own handwriting but unable to type. Hence, my duty was to help them type the letters that the letter writers had written. 

During the election, I would prepare and cook for our comrades and activists who went for their rounds together with our candidate within the estates. After a tiring day, comrades would retreat to the branch for refreshments and food that I had prepared whilst they were campaigning. They look forward to their lunch and dinner with much enthusiasm. They would come back asking, “What’s for lunch or dinner today?”

At normal MPS weekly, residents who came to seek help, I would recommend the necessary Comcare and NTUC vouchers, as suggested by our letter writers through their conversations. From there on, I would hand over the comcare form to the respective residents committee (RC) chair to further understand the residents needs before we process the necessary assistance. 

At the branch, we also give our food rations to needy residents. Residents who need rations will be recommended by our letter writers. These rations will temporarily help tide them for the time being before financial assistance has been approved. The food rations consists of mainly packet of rice, canned food and instant beverages. 

My personal feel would encourage more middle-aged people to step forward giving their time to serve the community. Do contribute back to society in your own ways, like a listening ear to the residents, help fill the tummies of residents with your cooking skills or passion. 

Amanda Lim:

Every Thursday, I serve as a letter writer at MPS. My senior author, Daisy, shared how she had to use a typewriter to convert handwritten letters (written by letter writers) into printed form. I am thankful that handwritten letters have become a thing of the past. Today, all letter writers at our MPS use laptops. The advent of technology has certainly eased our workflow. This enables us to serve our residents better and faster!

On some days, I have the opportunity to savor Daisy’s home cooked meals. As a great cook she has whipped up dishes such as Salmon fried rice and fried beehoon. I remember her serving green bean soup for all of us after one of our weekly MPS sessions. Back in 2020, fellow comrades and I returned to the Branch after a tiring day of activities to find a piping hot pot of curry chicken awaiting us. In that moment, all my tiredness seem to fade away. Just as how cars would throng a petrol station to refuel their fuel tanks, volunteers at the Branch (including myself) replenish our energies from Daisy’s warmly prepared food. What a great source of motivation to keep everyone going!

Some residents may highlight their financial plight and request the letter writers at MPS to provide them with food rations. The letter writers would do a quick assessment on the urgency of each case. Usually, food rations are meant to help residents tide over their difficult period before they receive their financial assistance. Some items in the food rations include instant drinks, canned food, and rice. Depending on their availability, items in the food rations can vary. 

Apart from helping out at the Branch, I also serve as Secretary in one of the Residents’ Committees (RCs). After the RC received the Comcare applications that Daisy had recommended, we would go on a house visit to obtain the necessary financial documents from the resident. Also, we would find out more about the resident’s financial situation to assess what other help the resident would need. All of these are done to help residents tide over their difficult period. 

While Daisy encourages all the wiser folks to step up and serve the community in your own ways, I also want to send an appeal to the young and youthful: Unleash your energy, boldness, and creativity by volunteering your time in the community. All of you are unique, each with a special skill to offer in fields such as design, technology, sports and so on. Think of one thing you are passionate about and share your passion with the community!


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