Adeline Koh Lily PBM and Yeo Min Yi Winnie

Adeline Koh Lily PBM:
I was actually more of an introverted than an extroverted person. It was during one of my career path in the early 30s that I met my lady boss, who slowly and gradually brought me out to the society to meet more people, make more friends and to help out in the community of which had caused me to be what I am today. To be more open, caring, understanding, helpful, jovial and happy person.
My happiest moment was being able to open up, communicate with people more effectively, and willing to help out together with others in organising events, projects and work as a team. I have received many awards of appreciation for service, teamwork, and participation with my team in the society.
I also work together with other grassroots organisations and charitable organisations in helping the needy, vulnerable, disabled, seniors and old folks by distributing rations, care packs, or essential household items to them. My proudest moment in life was when I was awarded the Outstanding Award Certificate for serving in the community.
The other proudest award to receive was the Public Service Medal (Pinkat Bakti Masyarakat). This is a Singaporean national honour awarded to any person who has rendered commendable public service in Singapore for his/her achievement. I first started to join all the community activities in 1990; how to organise events, do projects, serving the residents, helping the old and needy to be happy in life, till date which is over 30 years.
To me, this is my lifelong legacy which I am proud to share with my family and friends till the end of me. I would like to encourage all our youths in the current digital world to do the same because it is a very enriching, satisfying and meaningful life to be able to offer your services to society.
It’s a pleasure to work together with you to achieve SUCCESS.
Yeo Min Yi Winnie:
That’s how I would describe life. Living in a country that is safe and prosperous, with a supportive family and caring friends, life is good.
I love reading, music, tech stuff and many other random and unrelated things. Absolutely love to visit other countries. For example, I got interested in D&D dice sets and bought a few of them. They came in many colours and shades. I read rather widely - from magazines, online articles and guides to classics.
When I was a little girl, everyone around me stated their favourite colour. I did not have one. Blue, black, pink, red - those were the common ones. So what did I choose? Yellow. For the sun, the bright radiance, and being the symbol of positivity.
There were new terms coined during the technology boom (or was it bloom?). Digital natives. Digital immigrants.
I like to think of myself as a native but I did not grow up with readily available technology. But I did remember using (Learning!) IRC in primary school.
Books play a special role in my life. I loved visiting bookstores and libraries. Now, my reading consists mainly of online articles. I was a member of Kinokuniya, Borders Times, MPH, and am still a Popular member.